Seeking Wild Sights is a collection of nature writer, Jeni Bell’s work, blogs, and photography.
All in Wildlife
New Year’s day is always tinged with excitement,. Faced with a fresh start, I like to wake up early, draw back the curtains and let the world flood in and wait, with anticipation at what my first bird of the New Year will be. Will it be a robin? A house sparrow? Perhaps a heron flying overhead? And to ponder over what message that brings me for the year ahead. Happy New Year everyone.
Have you ever really paid blackbirds much attention? It’s so easy to take this common garden visitor for granted. Their everyday appearances and ever-present songs can easily fade into the back-ground. I’m guilty of that, but with lock down in full swing I’d started to pay more attention to these little gems and feel all the more richer for it.
When I’m out exploring I like to know the names of the things I find, so I get frustrated when I’m stumped by them. So I set myself a challenge to put a name to my unknown nature.
Sometimes it can all get a bit much, with constant demands and the ongoing buzz of technology. Sometimes we need to take a step back, disconnect from the pressures and re-connect with something that’s been there for us for as long as we can remember. These are my tips for reconnecting with the natural world around us.