

Seeking Wild Sights is a collection of nature writer, Jeni Bell’s work, blogs, and photography.

Wildlife Blogger of The Year Entry

Wildlife Blogger of The Year Entry

So this blog post is a little bit different from my others. Normally I write about our travels in the van, the wildlife that has caught our eye or something beautifully wild that we’ve stumbled upon, but today I would like to share something else with you.

I’ve very recently entered the Wildlife Blogger of the Year Award 2018, organised by Terra Incognita Travel and sponsored by Swarovski Optk. Now, my blog is tiny in comparison to some of the others that I have found myself up against (and their writing is truly incredible) and I haven’t been going for very long but I was inspired to give it a go.

I don’t have any magic powers to save our planet, or special skills that can erase any of the current environmental issues we are facing, but, I can tell you a story and through that story I can (hopefully) inform you about some of the problems we are facing today. I might even, if I’m very lucky, inspire you to pick up a book, or look it up on the internet to find out more. You might then go on to be inspired to help that issue in anyway you can. Blogs are powerful, because they are stories and story telling is something we have always done to inspire change or offer encouragement to others.

I would love to share my wildlife blogger of the year entry with you. My story about my favourite wildlife encounter, in a place where you might not expect any wild things to live. So if you would like to read (and possibly vote for my entry number 50) my entry to Wildlife Blogger of the Year Award 2018 then you can find it here. Please also feel free to share, stories only work if they are shared.

Thank you.

An Overlooked Haven

An Overlooked Haven

To the sea...

To the sea...