Cerne Abbas and its Giant

The Cerne Abbas Giant in Dorset is one of the UK’s most well known chalk figures. It draws people from all across the country to the south of England to stand at this hill god’s feet. Including us - and a coach load of people on an early Sunday morning.


Tolerating uncertainty is tough enough in our every day lives and it often seems magnified if your chosen way of life is an alternative one. Van Life, Vandwelling, a home on wheels or whatever you want to call it often makes us question what exactly it is that makes us call something home.

Facing Familiarity

We have all got become accustomed with the same things over lockdown. The same routines, the same people, the same walks, and it’s easy to disconnect from it all. After walking the same route everyday for a few weeks, I became despondent, but in learning how to retune to my surroundings, I started to learn to see the familiar in a new light.

The First Birds of the Year

New Year’s day is always tinged with excitement,. Faced with a fresh start, I like to wake up early, draw back the curtains and let the world flood in and wait, with anticipation at what my first bird of the New Year will be. Will it be a robin? A house sparrow? Perhaps a heron flying overhead? And to ponder over what message that brings me for the year ahead. Happy New Year everyone.

A Love Letter to Campsites

I love campsites - they are so much more than just a place to park your van and pitch your tent. We need to stop thinking of them as a barrier to wildness and start looking at them as a gateway to it.

Reasons to be Grateful - Nature Edition

In the middle of a chaotic world we need to remember to take the time for ourselves. It can be easy to overlook our simple, self-care needs so it’s important to spend a little time each day looking after yourself. Even if it’s just focusing on the things that you are grateful for.

Wildflower Season

The wildflowers of spring are slowly giving way to those that belong to the summer days. Without realising the wheel of the year has turned once more and new species are taking their place in our landscapes. A short walk along hedgerow-lined country lanes and into the fields is enough to reveal summers new sentinels.

Back Garden Blackbirds

Have you ever really paid blackbirds much attention? It’s so easy to take this common garden visitor for granted. Their everyday appearances and ever-present songs can easily fade into the back-ground. I’m guilty of that, but with lock down in full swing I’d started to pay more attention to these little gems and feel all the more richer for it.